Our program has the following dedicated hardware resources:

Computational Equipment

  • 21 node High Performance Computing Cluster; 856 total cores
    • 3 nodes - 2x4-core Intel Xeon E5620; 48GB RAM
    • 6 nodes - 2x10-core Intel Xeon E5-2660v3; 128GB RAM
    • 11 nodes - 2x10-core Intel Xeon E5-2640v4; 256GB RAM
    • 1 node - 4x16 core Intel Xeon E7-8860v3; 2TB RAM
  • Head node, 16 core processor (2.8 GHz); 16 GB RAM
  • Computational node - 4x4-core AMD Opteron 8378; 128GB RAM
  • Login Node - 2x14 core Intel Xeon E5-2680v4; 128GB RAM

Databases and Web Servers

  • Dedicated production and development database environments
    • Production: 2 @ 4 x Intel Xeon Gold 6128; 256GB RAM
      • duplicated for hot standby database configuration
    • Development: 4x6-core Intel Xeon E7-4807; 256GB RAM
  • Dedicated production and development web server environments

Storage, Backup and Facilities

  • Over 120 Terabytes of integrated disk storage
  • Both on-site and off-site backups of data and applications
  • All systems housed in a temperature controlled facility with two power feeds, a dedicated UPS, and generator

WSU Kamiak HPC Access

  • Dedicated (40 cores)
    • 2 nodes - 20-core/node; 256GB RAM
  • Shared (302 cores)
    • 11 nodes - 20-core/node; 256GB RAM
    • 1 node - 60-core/node; 2TB RAM
    • 1 node 24-core/node (2 NVIDIA Tesla K80 - 4GPU total); 256GB RAM