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Welcome to the Mainlab Bioinformatics Program at Washington State University.

Our highly collaborative, multi-disciplinary research program focuses on three main areas: (1) Development of database resources for specific crops (e.g. Genome Database for Rosaceae, CottonGen, Citrus Genome Database, Pulse Crop Database, Genome Database for Vaccinium) (2) development of  online computational tools (e.g. GenSAS), sequence analysis pipelines (e.g. RefTrans) and generic database platforms (e.g. Tripal) and (3) discovery of genomic regions and markers controlling important traits (e.g. mineral nutrients in pea. disease in lentil) and genome evolution studies (e.g. synteny analysis in horticultural crops). All of these efforts seek to provide genomic, genetic and breeding resources to enable basic, translational and applied research.  Our program has been continuously funded from 2003 to 2019 through NSF, USDA NIFA, USDA SCRI, and the cotton, tree fruit  and legume industry. We are active members in the AgBioData Consortium and host the AgBioData website through our program. For more information about our research projects and outreach efforts see dedicated pages accessible from the navigation bar.