General Information

The Mainlab offers Hort 550, a graduate Bioinformatics for Research Class. This 4 credit class consists of two 1.15 min instructional classes on Tuesday/Thursday 12.00-1.15 PM in Terrell 106 and a lab on Friday 1.00 - 4.00 PM in Johnson Hall Rm 24.  The class syllabus is listed below as are student reviews for the Fall 2014 class (this will help you evaluate if the course is for you). The class is restricted to 16 students and  students must bring a laptop to class (tablet not suitable). If you have any questions contact Dr. Main by email at 

Offered: Spring 2019, then will go back to a Fall schedule starting Fall 2020.

Course Overview 

The goal of this class is to provide students with foundational knowledge about advanced bioinformatics analyses of next-generation sequencing data.  Not only will students learn how to conduct the analyses, and the principles behind the analyses, but also learn how to critically examine the data produced by the analyses and the implications to the greater study of biological questions.

Student Learning Outcomes

  • The student will understand the differences between the applications of next-generation sequencing data for biological and genetics research.
  • The student will analyze different next-generation sequencing datasets and learn how to interpret and evaluate the results of the analyses.
  • The student will apply the skills learned during class to their own graduate research studies through an individual class project as well a group project.
  • The student will understand the strengths and weaknesses of using bioinformatics to test research questions.